The Effect of Climbing Grammar Mountain Game on Students' Writing Achievement
Climbing Grammar Mountain Game, Recount text, Writing Skill.Abstract
The objective of this research is to find out whether or not there is a significant effect of using climbing grammar mountain game on students writing achievement of the eighth-grade students at MTsN 2 Batanghari. This was quantitative research that was conducted with a quasi-experimental design. The subjects in this research were 39 students. The study result showed that the mean of the post-test score (56.62) was higher than the mean of the pre-test score (51.69) in the experimental class. The p-value in the paired sample t-test was less than 0,05 (0,002<0,05). It shows that the result was significantly different. As a result, was accepted. It shows that students' writing ability improved significantly before and after being taught through the climbing grammar mountain game. The p-value for the independent sample t-test in the equal variances assumed and not assumed cases was (0,007<.0,05). It shows that has been accepted and has been rejected. It shows that there was a significant difference between the students who were taught using the climbing grammar mountain game and those who were not.
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